The other cultural resistance: taste as a builder of territorial identity. The tamales in the Metropolitan area of Monterrey
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Keywords: cultural resistance
ntangible heritage
anthropology of food

How to Cite

García, A. (2023). The other cultural resistance: taste as a builder of territorial identity. The tamales in the Metropolitan area of Monterrey. Transdisciplinar. Revista De Ciencias Sociales Del CEH, 3(5), 104–129.


In this work a brief analysis is made from the anthropology of food about a form of cultural resistance of an intangible heritage, the permanence of tamales in our diet despite the hybridizations product of the European invasion more than 500 years ago as well as well as other phenomena that have influenced our culinary and cultural history as a country.It tries to expose the way in which a food detonates the configuration of certain interpersonal and spatial relationships and therefore occupies a place of fundamental importance in the set of expressions of cultures and their worldviews. It is essential to draw out the importance of these legacies that are internalized and that go with us even to the most remote place, expressive configurations little addressed from the humanities and that represent another essential way of being and living in our country and in the specific case of the Mexican northeast.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Alejandro García


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