In this essay, we reflect on the political-epistemic transdisciplinary substrates in the generation of knowledge in university spaces in relation to complexity, power, ideology, and territoriality. Finally, and I leave it as a hypothesis, the reduction of learning through the normalization imposed by the neoliberal model in order to achieve the transformation into a commodity of knowledge will run into an impediment with which it was unprepared: the libertarian ideas of complexity and uncertainty, which will coagulate into transdisciplinary relations that, without a doubt, attack the foundations of neoliberal thought: calculation, certainty, and the false idea of a commodity of knowledge. In a nutshell, it is a capitalism of solitude, which is an unsustainable condition for the culture-nature relationship.
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Comprendiendo la escuela desde su realidad cotidiana: estudio cualitativo en cinco escuelas estatales de Lima© ministerio de educación del Perú.
This backward form of knowledge and education, into which our children are "inserted" on a daily basis, aims to produce not only a profit-driven state, but also relentlessly selfish, success-hungry individuals with no sense of belonging, in short, education for fetish culture and its disaffections.
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Copyright (c) 2022 LEONARDO LAVANDEROS