Music and fatphobia. The songs in Mexico in the sixties
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Rodríguez Ledesma, X. (2024). Music and fatphobia. The songs in Mexico in the sixties. Transdisciplinar. Revista De Ciencias Sociales Del CEH, 4(7), 77–117.


This paper analyzes the way in which the ideological and cultural dispute over the imposition of new canons and stereotypes of body beauty in Mexico in the sixties of the twentieth century had one of its battlefields in popular music. In this sense, we find several songs that pointed out, criticized or frankly scorned bodies -mostly female- that did not conform to the new aesthetic standards that were beginning to be imposed. Music was one more weapon to impose the idea that being fat would now be sufficient reason to suffer symbolic and verbal violence (both prolegomena and justification for physical violence), an issue that is still in force today and has been described as "gordofobia" for only a few years.
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