Notes to think about interculturality at the university
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Indigenous peoples
University extension
Huarpe people
Critical interculturality
Educational anthropology

How to Cite

Arce, I. L., Jofre, J. L., Palma, A. B., Campos, O. A., Barroso, C. Y. U., Gómez, S. R., … Núñez-Márquez, A. (2023). Notes to think about interculturality at the university: Reflections on a university extension experience with indigenous peoples in Pandemic from an educational anthropological approach. Transdisciplinar. Revista De Ciencias Sociales Del CEH, 3(5), 54–103.

Funding data


This essay is a collective systematization of a common work experience between members of the National University of San Luis (UNSL), in the Argentine Republic, and members of various indigenous communities belonging to the Huarpe Nation People. This experience was part of a university extension project and is related, in turn, with the UNSL Indigenous Peoples Program. This essay includes a set of critical reflections on the difficulties that arise in the construction of intercultural spaces within the framework of university institutions.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Itatí Liliana Arce, Jose Luis Jofre, Ana Beatriz Palma, Oscar Alberto Campos, Catalina Ya Umuk Barroso, Sergio Raúl Gómez, Bambina Stinga, Alejandro Núñez-Márquez


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