This article seeks to study the legacy of Olin Wright regarding the concept of social classes. To do this, the sociological link made by the author at a theoretical and methodological level is investigated. In this context, Wright begins by going through theoretical concepts of different authors, categorizing their positions, and then building his conception of social classes through elements such as class structure, welfare and economic power, interests and exploitation that interact in the capitalist system. After this theoretical review, the methodology used to analyze social class is explored, seeking to operationalize what is understood by class consciousness and other work indicators. Finally, he alludes that the position within the structure of class relations determines certain forms of consciousness, in a capitalist structure founded on exploitation and oppression, being a contribution to Marxism and social sciences.
Keywords: social class, social structure, marxism, class consciousness, power relations.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Laura Moreau, Patricio Ignacio Pulgar Covarrubias