Virtual laboratories for genomics learning: their qualitative impact and their formative evaluation
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Laboratorios virtuales
evaluación formativa

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Canonico, Y. (2024). Virtual laboratories for genomics learning: their qualitative impact and their formative evaluation. Transdisciplinar. Revista De Ciencias Sociales Del CEH, 4(7), 118–150.


Genome is a branch of biology that analyzes the genetic material of an organism, which contains all the information necessary for growth, function and reproduction; although its study is relevant for the training of science students, educational processes of teaching and learning can be obstructed due to the abstract and complex curriculum content and the high costs of laboratory practices.

Because technology can positively influence education, virtual laboratories have been implemented as evaluation training tools to effectively analyze and evaluate the academic process of students.

For this purpose, students were surveyed to know the qualitative impact of their learning, taking into account the quality of their theoretical content and the role of the teacher during the implementation of the laboratories. The results show that the use of virtual laboratories helps to strengthen the integration, understanding and study of genomics concepts and themes.
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