A Forest of Hope: Memories and paths of the EcoDialogue Center as a space of Education for Life.
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How to Cite

Vargas-Madrazo, E., & Bravo Reyes, L. Q. (2024). A Forest of Hope: Memories and paths of the EcoDialogue Center as a space of Education for Life. Transdisciplinar. Revista De Ciencias Sociales Del CEH, 4(7), 267–306. https://doi.org/10.29105/transdisciplinar4.7-121


Faced with the civilizational poly-crisis that we are experiencing as humanity, we need to build spaces for regeneration and alternative creativity towards life. Each human being is the result of upbringing and education for life that nourishes and accompanies us in the development of our potential from love, care and collaboration. Those of us who write this text, want to share our journeys and stories of healing and learning in the task that for more than twenty years, has involved us in the construction of our EcoDialogue Center.

Starting from our life stories in poly-crisis, we find ourselves on the paths of the University of Veracruz to undertake our reinvention as human beings, as academics living in the disciplines that gave us meaning and at the same time isolated us. In these creative paths we were weaving multi-inter-transdisciplinary skeins of dialogue and collaboration, spaces of creativity that allowed us to conceive new ways of doing academia and of leaving the classrooms, cubicles and laboratories towards the real world.

Dances, hugs, songs, temazcales, paths through the new academies, feelings of love, readings, and fears accompanied us on the marvelous adventure that led us to the creation of ritual ecopoiesis, epistemological awearness, the body-being and its sentiments, everything this as humus, fertile soil from which the EcoDialogue Center arose from the year 2005 within the University of Veracruz. Education for the flourishing of life from the commitment to care for the Mother Earth, are the core values that in these almost two decades of our Center, have guided our unique path within a public University at the service of territories and people to which we owe.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Enrique Vargas-Madrazo, Leticia Quetzalli Bravo Reyes


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